RV Brakes Locking Up? Learn Why

Brakes should be tight, but only when applied. When driving your RV, your brakes should not suddenly tighten and lock up. This type of behavior is incredibly dangerous, but it's also an indication that the brake system is not performing correctly. If you've experienced this scenario and you don't know what could be to blame, learn about some of the common factors that can lead to this issue.

Electrical Short

An electrical short can lead to a scenario in which the brakes will lock up. RV brakes are somewhat unique in that they operate solely based on electrical power. So if there is any delay in the power delivery through the wires, the brakes will not perform correctly. 

It's likely that a short is to blame if the brakes are only locking up on one side or the issue seems to occur sporadically. Electrical shorts can occur for a variety of reasons, including poor installation or an issue with the RV's electrical system. 


Corrosion buildup on the metal part of the RV brake system is another issue that can cause the brakes to lock up. The brakes on your vehicle need a smooth surface to operate on; corrosion prevents the metal parts of the brakes from functioning in this manner. Instead, the corrosion creates a sense of friction that can cause the brakes to get stuck or locked. 

In early stages, you can typically remove the corrosion. However, in its later stages, a severely corroded piece of metal will need to be replaced. Make it a habit to regularly inspect the conditions of metal surfaces of your RV brake system, including the magnets, to look for any signs of corrosion. 

Lack of Adjustment

A common issue that can lead to the brakes locking up is poor adjustment or a lack of adjustment. It's important to understand that new RV brakes cannot simply be installed; they must be properly adjusted. While some vehicles are different, adjusting the brakes typically involves a tightening motion, in which you secure the brakes, drive the vehicle to warm the brakes up, and then re-tighten the brakes in the event the heat has caused the brakes to shift. 

If the adjustment is not performed, the brakes will not engage correctly, which can lead to a lockup. Remember that you must complete the adjustment step each time new brakes are installed, and for each brake assembly. 

If your RV brakes lock up when you drive, it's time to take a closer look. Whether you need to have the brakes repaired or replaced, ensure you take action to correct the issue and ensure your safety. Contact a company like Burnsville Trailer Hitch for help. 

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Resolving Automotive Concerns Do you remember the last time your car struggled to run? Although it might not seem like a pressing issue, regular car trouble can be a sign of deeper problems, which is why you should always take them seriously. I wanted to do something to help other people to recognize the symptoms of trouble, so I started focusing on automotive issues. On this website, read great tips on automotive care, so that you can make things better. I started identifying different concerns a few months back, and it was really cool to explore resolutions to the problem. Check out this website for great tips.

