Common Symptoms Of A Failing Ignition Coil

Part of the typical truck's ignition system, the ignition coil is an electronic component that is required to provide the necessary power to actually make an engine start when you turn the key in the ignition. If your ignition coil goes bad, you can have all kinds of issues with your truck, including not being able to start the thing at all. Not to mention, problems with the ignition coil can bring on an entire list of other engine-related issues. Before the ignition coil completely fails, however, it will usually offer up signs that something is amiss. Take a look at some of the common symptoms of a failing ignition coil. 

Your Check Engine light comes on. 

The Check Engine light is linked to a computer that gets triggered when there are things going wrong with the way your vehicle is performing. If there are slight problems with how the engine is firing because of the ignition coil, it very well could trigger the Check Engine light before you ever realize that there is anything going on with the component itself. 

Your truck takes a few tries to get started. 

One of the first signs that an ignition coil is going bad is if the truck suddenly gets harder to start. You may have to turn the ignition a few times to get the engine to fire up. You may even notice a delay when you turn the key to get the engine started. For example, you may have a few seconds of nothing happening before you hear the telltale whir of the engine trying to turnover when you turn the key. 

You're experiencing rough idling and loss of power. 

Rough idling can be blamed on all kinds of engine problems, from faulty plug wires to residue-caked fuel injectors. However, a rough idle can also be blamed on a bad or ailing ignition coil as well. This component directly relays power to keep the engine running consistently even after it has started. Therefore, if you are experiencing a rough idle or even a loss of power during acceleration, the ignition coil could be to blame. 

Overall, the ignition coil is a highly important part of how your vehicle functions, and its failure can really leave you in a bind. If you suspect you have a bad ignition coil in your truck, reach out to a truck repair mechanic in your area.

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Resolving Automotive Concerns Do you remember the last time your car struggled to run? Although it might not seem like a pressing issue, regular car trouble can be a sign of deeper problems, which is why you should always take them seriously. I wanted to do something to help other people to recognize the symptoms of trouble, so I started focusing on automotive issues. On this website, read great tips on automotive care, so that you can make things better. I started identifying different concerns a few months back, and it was really cool to explore resolutions to the problem. Check out this website for great tips.

